I'm Summer Lin
Web Developer


Personal Project - Social Media App

Features: Cluster & geocoder map, Real-time chat, Stripe payment, Search, User authentication

Tech Stack: MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, React, Redux, Socket.io, Mapbox, Stripe, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

More Projects


Storyful - MERN social media app

Storyful is a location-based social media Web application. Users can post their stories that happened in different locations. Other users can explore all the stories on a cluster map. A user can check stories that happened near their home, or a tourist attraction they are going to visit, or even a company they want to work at.

If a user is interested in the experience of the story author, they can message the author and start a chat immediately. If they really love Storyful, they can purchase the membership to enjoy more benefits.

Tech Stack:

MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, React, Redux, Socket.io, Mapbox, Stripe, JavaScript, CSS, HTML


Meals To Go - Food Delivery mobile app

This is a React Native mobile app built with Expo, React Native Paper, React Context API and Firebase.

Features include: restaurants list screen, restaurant detail screen, user authentication, interactive map, location search, restaurants collection, phone camera access.

Tech Stack:

React Native, Expo, Firebase, React Context API


TALKATIVE - Real-time MERN chat app

This is a real-time chat app that I built with MERN stack, Socket.io and Chakura UI. Features include one-on-one chat, group chat, search user, remove/add users to group chat, typing indicating animation, real-time notification, and user authentication.

Tech Stack:

React, Chakra UI, Socket.io, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose



I built this Node.js app throughout a Udemy course called Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele (Boy, I love this guy). Some technologies that are used in this app include Mapbox integration, Cloudinary image storage, MongoDB and Mongoose. User authentication & authorization and full CRUD functions are implemented.

Tech Stack:

Node.js, Express.js, Mapbox, Cloudinary, MongoDB and Mongoose, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, JavaScript


S&C Headphones - eCommerce

This fully-responsive Next.js e-commerce app utilized Sanity and Stripe to implement data storage and online payment. Users can add products to the shopping carts and pay for the order.

Tech Stack:

Next.js, React, Stripe, Sanity, CSS

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Delish - Homemade Meals

This Ruby-on-Rails app is for cooks to sell their homemade meals online. Users can register as either cooks or customers. Cook can create/edit/delete their own meals, approve or decline reviews they received, and will be ranked by the average rating of all their meals. The top 10 rated cooks will be displayed on the meal index page. Users can seach meals by the meal's name, description or cook's name, place an order, and receive notifications regarding their review approval.

Tech Stack:

Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL

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Gourmet Paradise

This responsive app built with Ruby on Rails has full CRUD functions, user authentication, and user authorization implemented. Users can sign up, create or edit their own products, and leave reviews. The product owner can choose to hide or display the reviews they received. The admin user can review app data (info of all users, products, and reviews) on an admin panel page.

Tech Stack:

Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL

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Monster Army

This React application creates “monster” cards with monster pictures, and user names as well as emails by connecting to two APIs.

There is also a search bar which can be used to filter and search for the monsters by name.

Tech Stack:

React, JSX, CSS

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Hangman Game

Hangman is a classic word game in which you must guess as many secret words as you can. Developed using DOM, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Tech Stack:

DOM, HTML, CSS, JavaScript




About Me

I'm a curious full-stack developer with a serious passion for coding and problem solving. I love creating beautiful things and bringing the wildest ideas to life - from writing and painting my own fairy tale books as a child, creating viral online stories for Vancouver brands as a content creator, to building engaging web applications as a web developer.

Nothing can compare with the dopamine dancing in my brain after I see the result of my creation.


Web Developer Diploma - CodeCore College

Master in Publishing - Simon Fraser University


Ruby on Rails
Git and Github


Email: lin.summer@outlook.com